Atomic 1 0 3 – An Extensive System Memory Tester

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They have a total size of 52 pages (1, 23, 12 and 16), which sums up to 212,992 bytes of hidden memory. Evaluation against passive anti-forensics. For this test, all hidden memory segments were filled with a known string. We then acquired a raw memory image and compared the data at the corresponding offsets with the known string. The Meterpreter resides completely in the memory of the remote host and leaves no traces on the hard drive, making it very. Got system (via technique 1).

There aren't many free memory tests online, and there are none like this. Here at Practical Psychology, we have created the first and only 3-in-1 memory test that measures your short term, long term, and working memory using a quiz you can take in under 5 minutes.

If you get confused or stuck, scroll down to learn more about each type of sub-test and it's instructions!

As of right now, there have been around 5,000 people take this memory quiz, and with that, I have compiled some graphs to help students and teachers better understand where they lie among the general population that takes this test.

Here is the overall distribution of data based on the 'total score' given at the end of the test:

One switch 1 6 2006. The x-axis is the score, while the y-axis is the number of scores. Next, let's dive into each specific category!

Short Term Memory Test

A short term memory test is very self-explanatory. The user is shown multiple digits of numbers and asked to remember them. Then, the numbers are taken off the screen and the user is asked to type the numbers they remembered in.

This test will become more difficult as more digits are added, and digits are continuously added until the user starts forgetting the digits. According to research, the magic number most people remember is '7 plus or minus 2' items. This means an average short term memory can hold 5 to 9 digits.

Here is the data from the memory test above, with around 5000 results. As you can see, 4 is the most common digit where all the digits are correctly memorized and recalled.

This form of memory usually doesn't last more than 18 seconds, unless rehearsed.

Long Term Memory Test

In Cognitive Psychology, long term memory is classified as information stored and retrieved for longer than a few minutes. Photo mechanic 6 manual pdf. In this memory test, we use animal images to test your visual memory by showing you 3 animals at first and asking you to recall the same 3 animals at the end.

There are two types of long term memory: implicit and explicit. In this test, we are measuring the participants ability to recall their explicit memory with animal images.

This test may need some modifications to accurately find the limits of human memory. Right now, I am only asking you to remember 3 animals for around 5-10 minutes. It seems almost everyone is able to correctly identify the original 3 animals as you can see in the data above.

Working Memory Tests

Working memory is the ability to use, manipulate and perform complex tasks on numbers, letters, and items. There are a few different forms of testing working memory, and this test uses 3 different variations.

N-Back Test

An N-Back Test is a common working memory test that may be difficult to understand if you've never heard of it before. Essentially, there will be a master list of numbers you must try to memorize. The 'N-Back' part comes from the test asking you what number appeared 'N' numbers ago.

For example, the test may show you '20, 34, 89' and ask you 'What was the number 2 numbers ago?'. The answer would be 34. Then.. it will show you a new number and you have to remember the first string of numbers, plus this new number. Let's say it showed you '5'. If it asked you for 2 numbers ago again, the answer would be 89.

You can refer to the image below to help understand:

This test is obviously a bit more difficult, and I assume that a few test-takers aren't able to understand the function. I actually get quite a few emails where people are confused, so in version 2, I'll try to make this more clear. Here is the data from my initial 5000 test-takers:

Calculation Test

A calculation task is simple, but requires focus. First, the test will give you a few numbers. You must remember those numbers while manipulating them. For example, let's say you are given the numbers '4, 7, 9'. The task is to add 4 to each number. The correct answer in this case would be '8, 11, 13'.

This is a decent test, and as you can see in the data below, there is quite a nice distribution of test scores:

You can increase the difficulty of a calculation test by asking the participant to perform multiple calculations, using larger numbers, or more numbers.

Rotation Task

A rotation task tests your working memory by having you perform mental rotations within your visuospatial sketchpad. Some people seem very gifted at rotating three-dimensional objections, while others struggle at this task - which shows we all have varying abilities.

What causes memory loss?

We can experience memory loss in a ton of different ways. From simply forgetting where you left your car keys, to not being able to remember someone's name, all the way through to forgetting how to get home or not recognizing family members.

How does memory loss happen?

If we think of memory as a store of information that sits inside our brain. Normally, when we want to remember something, we send a signal to our brain to go find and retrieve that piece of information. So far, so good. Unfortunately, sometimes this doesn't work properly. In this sense, memory loss happens when our brain is unable to find a piece of information in that store – it's lost or forgotten.

Common causes of memory loss

One of the most common causes of memory loss is age. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do about getting older, but we'll be looking at things you can do to help treat age-related memory loss later on. There are other common reasons for memory loss. For the most part, these aren't permanent and can almost always be effectively managed to get your memory back to normal.

  • Lack of sleep: when you haven't had enough sleep, studies have shown that this can negatively affect your memory [1].
  • Medication: certain prescription medications can affect your ability to remember. If you're taking more than one type of medication, your forgetfulness could be side effect of combining multiple drugs and could mean you need to change or reduce your dose [2].
  • Alcohol consumption: drinking too much alcohol too quickly can cause temporary short-term memory loss and even blackouts [3].
  • Stress and/or anxiety: usually stress and anxiety are caused by feelings of being overwhelmed, and as the mind tries to cope, it can make it more difficult for you to concentrate and remember things [4].
  • Depression: depression is widely linked with being able to remember more negative stuff, which by default, means that you might not remember anything else. Lack of attention and poor concentration are also big factors here [5].
  • Underactive/Overactive thyroid: when the thyroid isn't working properly, this can lead to cognitive issues including memory loss because the thyroid hormones play a part in memory and learning [6].
  • Significant and long-term memory loss can be caused by the following:
  • Stroke: any form of stroke has the potential to affect cognitive ability, including memory. In some cases, the brain can recover from a stroke, but there might still be impairment [7].
  • Brain tumor: a tumor can affect your memory depending on how big it is and where its located. Surgery to remove the tumor should make a big difference in restoring your memory [8].
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): memory loss due to TBI is known as post-traumatic amnesia and can last a few minutes, weeks or months. In some cases, your ability to remember might be affected permanently [9].
  • Dementia: there are a number of types of dementia, including: Alzheimer's Disease, vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, frontotemporal dementia, Huntington's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, and more. All can cause significant memory loss than may become permanent [10].

Treatment for memory loss

The treatment for memory loss can vary depending on the exact cause. In most cases, where the cause is non-permanent, it might be as simple as changing the behavior that is causing your memory loss. For example, if lack of sleep is the main reason that you're super forgetful, you might want to try setting a routine for going to bed and getting up in the morning. For stress, anxiety, depression or an underactive thyroid, you'll need to see a physician and get appropriate medical treatment to help.


Age-related memory loss

Keeping your body and mind active can really help improve your memory – or at least, slow down the effect of aging on your memory. Doing regular exercise, reading, solving puzzles or playing memory games can all really boost your mind's ability to remember.

Treating TBI related memory loss

Memory loss due to traumatic brain injury may only be temporary, and if that's the case, then simply rest and letting the brain heal should be enough.

However, in cases where the injury is more extensive or there is more significant damage to areas of the brain that handle learning and memory, then you will probably need to figure out a way to manage your memory problems, including:

  • Removing distractions
  • Practicing and repeating information you want to remember
  • Using technology (apps, alarms, calendars)
  • Use to do lists or other visual aids

Treating dementia related memory loss

Generally, there is no treatment for dementia-related memory loss. Pixelmator 3 4 3. The extent of your memory problems will depend on which form of dementia you have and how far along it is. You can do things to help manage your condition though, in a similar way to traumatic brain injury, these include:

  • Using visual aids and diagrams
  • Using technology (apps, alarms, calendars, sat nav)
  • Daily to do lists
  • Photo album with people's names and their relationship to you

Eating a well-balanced diet and having regular mental and physical exercise can all help slow the progress.

Unfortunately, particularly with Alzheimer's Disease, memory loss will only get worse as the condition progresses, and there is currently no cure.

Dementia test

Testing for dementia can involve a lot of different tests. This is because there isn't always a simple blood test that tells you if you've got dementia. This means that often medical professionals have to resort to carrying out a few different tests and then weighing up if dementia seems likely. The following are the kind of tests you can expect, although you may only have some of these before a diagnosis of dementia is confirmed or discounted.

Cognitive tests: These tests are about trying to figure out if your general thinking skills are negatively affected. One of the most well-known tasks is the clock test, where you're asked to draw a clock face and mark a time on it.

Neurological tests: These test more physical symptoms like balance, eye movement and reflexes. Again, these tests are complicated but will highlight if there are any issues with brain signals getting through.

Lab tests: Even if there isn't a specific blood test for dementia, you might still have bloods taken to look for markers or other problems such as vitamin deficiencies or a thyroid problem that might explain your memory loss.

Brain scans: while scans might not necessarily help diagnose dementia, they could help discount other problems such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, and tumor that might be responsible for your memory loss. You might have a CT, MRI or PET scan.

Finally, you could have a psychiatric evaluation: This will usually focus on things like your mood and general well-being to see if your memory loss might be due to depression or other mental health condition. It's not uncommon for you to experience depression at the same time as dementia so, even if you score as depressed, it won't necessarily rule anything out.


[1] Fortier-brochu E, Beaulieu-bonneau S, Ivers H, Morin CM. Insomnia and daytime cognitive performance: a meta-analysis. Sleep Med Rev. 2012;16(1):83-94. doi:10.1016/j.smrv.2011.03.008

[2] National Institute on Aging. Do Memory Problems Always Mean Alzheimer's Disease? Updated January 24, 2018.

[3] link to the previous BAC article

[4] Yaribeygi H, Panahi Y, Sahraei H, Johnston TP, Sahebkar A. The impact of stress on body function: A review. EXCLI J. 2017; 16:1057–1072. doi:10.17179/excli2017-480

[5] Schweizer S, Kievit RA, Emery T; Cam-CAN, Henson RN. Symptoms of depression in a large healthy population cohort are related to subjective memory complaints and memory performance in negative contexts. Psychol Med. 2018;48(1):104–114. doi:10.1017/S0033291717001519

[6] Bavarsad, K., Hosseini, M., Hadjzadeh, M.A.R. and Sahebkar, A., 2019. The effects of thyroid hormones on memory impairment and Alzheimer's disease. Journal of cellular physiology, 234(9), pp.14633-14640.

[7] American Stroke Association. Memory Loss. Updated March 15, 2019.

Atomic 1 0 3 – An Extensive System Memory Testers

[8] Durand T, Berzero G, Bompaire F, et al. Episodic Memory Impairments in Primary Brain Tumor Patients. Arch Clin Neuropsychol. 2018;33(8):949-955.


Atomic 1 0 3 – An Extensive System Memory Tester Test


How to reference this article:

Theodore. (2019, November). Free Memory Test (5 Mins) – Short Term and Long Term. Retrieved from

Atomic 1 0 3 – An Extensive System Memory Tester Free

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